Feldman, Kramer & Monaco, P.C. | People

1-800-832-5182 (In NY)
1-800-292-8063 (Outside NY)

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Our attorneys are encouraged to focus on solutions not problems. We believe that it is frequently necessary for us to build bridges between our clients and third parties who are at odds with our clients. We want to help our clients to accomplish resolution in the shortest time, with the least pain and at the most reasonable cost. The traditional legal process may be central to attaining a resolution or it may have little to do with getting the desired result. Too many attorneys lose track of the fact that the traditional legal process frequently perpetuates the duration of the conflict and adds to the cost of resolution.

It is our belief that analytical, strategic and critical thinking skills are essential qualities of our transactional attorneys. Broad-based life skills, innovation, creative problem solving and comprehensive legal analysis are the corner-stone qualities that we seek in each of our attorneys.

Of Counsel
Director of Care Coordination Services